Justin stuck in the rain in Tokyo attempting to talk to someone.

Justin is an experienced end-to-end video director who specializes in creating impactful marketing content. His versatile portfolio showcases his expertise in visual storytelling, from experiential moments and creative communications to music videos and feature films.

Justin's work with global brands like Airbnb, Zendesk, and Hatch highlights his ability to craft compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. His commercial projects have also been recognized by major companies such as eBay and Motorola.

In addition to his commercial success, Justin has directed music videos for artists like Damien Jurado, Benoit Pioulard, and Other Lives. His innovative Goth Easter music video for Golden Hour was named Video of the Year by Shamir for Fader's Cool People Picks in 2016.

Justin's passion for filmmaking began with his family's video camera, leading him to write and direct three feature films in the early 2000s. He values authenticity and strives to create emotional connections with his audience through his work.